Saturday, September 22, 2012

visa photo and medical check

Today's photos:
1 - meeting our escorts and the other Holt families in the hotel lobby
2 - a little checkup
3 - Lili's new favorite pose for photos - instead of her sweet smile, we get "big eyes."
4 - chatting with other families
5 - Lili's new pose seems to be contagious
Today was Lili's visa photo and medical checkup day.  We were scheduled to meet our escorts in the lobby of the hotel at 9:30 am.  When we got down there the lobby was full of adoptive families.  There were 10 families with Holt and as many (if not more) from Bethany (another adoption agency).  The Holt families loaded into 2 big buses and headed off to the Guangdong International Travel Healthcare Center.  It was very crowded, but it was fun to be able to interact with the other adoptive families.  Lili did very well.  She smiled very sweetly for the photo, and she handled the medical exam pretty well too.  The only part that really upset her was when the doctor had to pull up her dress and use the stethoscope on her and push down on her tummy a bit.  She cried a little bit and looked generally offended.  But after that part was over she walked over to the sink on the other side of the examining room, ran some water, and washed off her eyes as if she was cleaning off the tears.  She even kept her cool for the TB test.  She looked a little surprised when they poked her, but she didn't cry.  She just kept looking at the bump on her arm. 
After lunch today Lili said her first English phrase (or at least the first one we recognized).  It was "funny girl," except she added an extra syllable at the end that sounds like "yah."  So it's "funny girl yah!"  She seemed so pleased when we realized what she was saying and praised her!  She also seems to be understanding more of what we're saying to her, like "all done," "night-night," and "yummy?"


lapinner said...

I love the pictures! That picture with the "big eyes" - yup, no doubt she was born to be a Mori! I love that she is wearing her backpack while the doctor is examining her. Hilarious! You sure hit it big with that backpack! I love that her first English phrase was "funny girl" too. She is a kindred spirit. ;) So exciting that she is starting to understand you a bit. Aren't kids AMAZING!

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