Saturday, September 22, 2012

playing favorites

Guess where we had dinner last night!!  Lili really enjoyed the french fries.  She would have eaten only french fries for dinner if she could have.  But she would only eat the chicken nuggets if Ed broke them into bite-sized pieces, dipped them in ketchup, and fed them to her.  Ed, that is, not me.  She would refuse to take them from me.
Lili is playing favorites with us.  For the first two days together she went to either of us, held both of our hands, let either one of us carry her.  But on the third day or so she decided she preferred for me to hold her.  She would complain if Ed tried to pick her up or hold her hand.  So she was pretty much exclusively a "Mama's girl" for a couple of days.  And then, on Friday, Ed became the new favorite.  She would still come to me sometimes, but she generally preferred Ed.  And so it has been for the past two days.  We'll see who she picks today!  I don't know what kind of significance this has in the bonding process.  But I am glad Ed is getting his turn!  Perhaps she feels like she has to choose one or the other of us in order to really bond right now.  And that is fine.  We will roll with the punches and continue to be available no matter who she wants.  I need to continually remember that we have to earn her trust, and that will take time.  Please pray that we be consistent and patient with her and that that trust continues to grow. . . 


Joyful said...

Kate does that, too. And sometimes her favorite is Auntie Jill!

Lapinner said...

With two such great parents, I would have a hard time choosing too. =)

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