Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the day in pictures continues on. . .

9 - the completed paperwork

10 - the family with Mrs. Tan, a woman who works at the orphanage.  Mrs. Tan wanted to hold Lili for this picture, but Lili refused to let her.  We took this as a very good sign!!
11 - Huigong Square - the place where Lili was found the day after she was born.  It is in the center of a very busy traffic circle, very close to the train station.  There was no place to park, so we just had to take pictures from the van window while our driver drove by slowly.  Our driver said that he suspected that Lili's biological parents traveled here by train from wherever they lived to bring Lili to a very busy place where she would be found very quickly.  If that is true, they were probably unable to pay the medical bills to have Lili's surgery done and brought her here hoping that she would be found, become a ward of the state, and have the procedure done at the government's expense.  They must have hoped for a better life for her than they thought they could provide.  It is a very humbling thought that we get to play a part in providing that for her.  May God be glorified for the way He takes terribly difficult circumstances and weaves them into something beautiful.


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