Saturday, September 15, 2012

awake and thinking

It is currently 1:45 am here in Shenyang.  And I'm awake.  Not that I'm surprised.  I really need sleep, but I can't seem to stop thinking long enough to get it.  And struggling a bit with nausea.  I don't think I've eaten anything bad, it's probably just because I haven't slept much in the past 2 days and my body has no idea what time it is or what is going on.  Add in a bit of anxiety about lost luggage and the anticipation of meeting my daughter on Monday, and I get an upset stomach.  Any kind of stress in my life always seems to manifest itself in my digestive system.
But I can't help but think that my disoriented feelings are only a tiny taste of what Lili will be (and maybe already is) going through.  I wonder if she will feel sick to her stomach too.  If she'll lie awake when she should be sleeping.  I'm sure she will be feeling anxious and disconcerted.  Maybe my little taste of these feelings will deepen my compassion for her as she struggles through this transition.  Lord, please use this to teach me, to equip me to sympathize (even just a tiny bit) with Lili in a way I wouldn't have been able to otherwise.  Please be with her, and give her Your peace that passes all understanding.  And give us wisdom to know how to support her and comfort her.  And. . .maybe just a few more hours sleep for me?  Thank you, Lord, for being here with us!  We need you! 


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