Monday, September 24, 2012

a visit to the park

This morning we had our consulate appointment.  They didn't allow cameras,  but it wasn't terribly exciting anyway.  We were relieved that it was our last appointment before we leave.  The only thing we're still waiting for is Lili's visa, which should arrive at our hotel tomorrow afternoon. . .
After the consulate, we found our way to the park we'd heard about.  It took us a little while to find it, but we finally figured out that we had to go down into the subway station and then back up through another exit to get to the park entrance.  Here it is:
It is a HUGE park.  Thankfully there are signs all around in Chinese and in English, directing you to various areas of the park.  There were gardens, a swimming pool, ponds, the little amusement park we headed to, and so much more.  We walked uphill for quite a ways to get to the rides.  (I felt like I was at the LA Zoo, but it was way more humid!)  But it was worth the effort.  Lili loved the rides.  Here are some of the ones we rode:
 the merry-go-round
 The "Shark Tale" ride, which played "It's a Small World" music while we tried to shoot the characters from the "Shark Tale" movie
 the bug ride, which was somewhat like "Dumbo" at Disneyland, only more herky jerky. . .
 The airplane ride, which Lili particularly enjoyed because it went really fast around the corners (it was also quite herky jerky). . .
 The safari car ride
 and the spinning ride. . .
There were lots of great signs around the rides, giving tips about how to buy tickets, stay safe, etc.  Here's one of them:
We didn't get a picture of my favorite, which said "Be carefully!"
Here are a few other park views.  It was really a very beautiful place.  I wish we'd had more time to explore.  But we had to get back for lunch and naptime. . .

 We had a lot of fun, even though it was very hot and muggy.  By the time we got back to the hotel, we had to change our clothes, we were so sweaty. . .but I believe a good time was had by all!


lapinner said...

This park looks like a very interesting place! I love the sign - hilarious!

Kristen said...

What a fun and pretty place to explore! I can't wait to have Lili over for a very international play date!

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