Yesterday evening Lili started testing us a bit more, feeling out the boundaries. I take this as a good sign, that she has learned to trust us enough to test us. But with the language barrier, it is tricky to know how to respond. I keep second guessing myself, wondering if she really understands, if she is truly being defiant or if we have simply miscommunicated. But I was so thankful yesterday evening for a clear prompting by the Holy Spirit, reminding me that setting boundaries for a child is a part of showing them love, that a child can't feel completely safe unless he or she knows the limits. Please pray for wisdom for us, to choose our battles wisely, to communicate the boundaries effectively, and to reinforce them gently but firmly. I find myself praying more as I find myself in these situations. Which is a good thing. May His power be perfected in my weakness and may I learn to trust Him more as He continues to show Himself faithful.
Midlife is Messy, But You Are Not a Mess
21 hours ago
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