Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lili's chinese dress

Here's Lili hamming it up in the Chinese dress we bought for her. . .
So. . .Lili continues to baffle us.  Ed is still the favorite.  She would rather he carry her, hold her hand, etc.  But it's ok for Ed to leave her alone with me.  She cheerfully says, "Bye bye, Baba!" and waves to him when he goes.  But she doesn't like for me to leave.  She cries and gets upset.  Go figure!  It's a good thing because Baba will be going back to work next week and she'll have to say goodbye to him every day.  But it's just a mystery to me what she is thinking.  Maybe this is just what was modeled to her in her foster family.  Her foster father would have left each day to go to work and her foster mother would have stayed home to take care of the children, so maybe she just thinks that is how it works.  Who knows?


lapinner said...

I am so glad you guys are coming home in just a couple days! I cannot wait to meet this little precious in person! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your final days in China. Know that I am praying for you guys as you now prepare for the journey home and LIli's transition into the Mori house.

Anonymous said...

Chinese Dresses looks great on Kids, It looks cute and beautiful when a child wear any type of Chinese Dress.

Chinese Clothing for Kids

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